Monday, June 28, 2004

Entry 2

After about 5 weeks holiday, I started to work although I had my private students during the holiday ...
Teaching private students, I believe, is more enjoyable than teaching a whole class: because first, you choose the materials yourself ; second , it takes less energy and third , because the naughty boy who may make you mad in class, sits moveless listening & paying attention to what you say or ask him to do ...
I have two classes this term . The boys in my class are nice ; of course, I have spent only one session with them ...
After 4 years teaching it's become easier for me to calm them down using of course my own way _ each teacher has their own way of controling the class ...
I've experienced that everything depends on the first session ; in whatever way you behave the first session , you're expected to behave the whole term ... and how do I behave the first session ? It's really far from what I really behave every one ...
I enter the class & greet them kindly , but there is no sign of even a mild smile in my lips ; so serious and strict I start ... and this makes them pull themselves together ... and they remain like this to the end of term ...
Believe me - I'm not that cruel , but for me there is no way except this to control these naughty , playful and of course clever boys ...

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Entry 1

These days I am thinking a lot how to start my weblog ...
I remember last year when some of my friends and I decided to make a weblog in which all of us could write ... we made it and started to write ... the first text I wrote was titled " Thank You Mr. Bush " ! ; this statement was written on a flag in Iraq being held up by a young Iraqi boy showing his satisfaction with the invasion of Iraq by Mr. Bush !
He was reallyyyy happy ... I wondered whether it was fair to thank such an invader or not ... It had occupied my mind for a while until I read something about the prisons in Iraq at the time of Saddam Hossein ... there were unbelievable and ghastly tortures the most horrible of which -in my opinion- was something called " human meat grinder" : they were machines in which the prisoners were dropped until they died like some meat in a grinder ...
So... didn't the boy tell the truth? Wasn't he speaking for each of the prisoners being torture in that " meat grinder " ?
On the other hand, there are still innocents like the South Korean young boy beheaded a few days ago...
Thinking a lot and a lot , only one question is in my mind for which I haven't still found any answer and that is : " Between a snake and a viper which one must be chosen ? Isn't there a third way ?!?! "