Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Entry 53

"THIS " is what is called " Democracy " :
" NON " to the European Union Constitution in France ...
"THIS" is " PEOPLE'S " victory ...


Anonymous said...

Bonjour Chackavak, The outcome of this referendum is democracy at its worst and reminds me of a saying from our poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe: "only human stupidity gives an idea what infinity really means". The proposed European Constitution should clarify and simplify good governance and make easier togetherness of 25 very different European states. Now, those citizens who voted "no" in this referendum did so for various reasons: the jobless because they could not find another occupation or because their allowance is to small, the farmers because they wanted higher subsidies, the civil servants feared their 35 weekly working hours might be increased Everyone holding a grudge against the present government voted "no". Others because they feared the entry of Turkey into the Union in about 15 years, or because they wanted to stop immigration, or stopping the importation of cheap textiles from China or just simply to show those politicians that they are not satisfied with their lot.In a nutshell it was as if I ask you directions in a city and you answer by saying: "tomorrow it will be raining". Cheers to you


Anonymous said...

Hi Georg
Thanks for your comment ... I can understand the reasons of supporting or being against the European Constitution in France or Netherlands, but what I mean by writing this entry is not whether it is good or bad to accept the European Constitution or what are the reasons for accepting or not accepting it ... What I mean is the great role of people in a " Ddemocratized " country in which people are REALLY the main ones who decide what to do ... The main thing is the importance and the value of people's "vote" in comparison with some other countries in which people & their vote have no value at all ! And this is the same for nearly all western European countries as well as all other politically , culturally & socially developed countries in the world

... Chackavak

Anonymous said...

Bonsoir Chackavak,Thanks for your very fine comment. You are right in every point. May I quote Winston Churchill: "democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried from time to time". Kind regards, Georg

Anonymous said...

Hallo Chackavak, As you and your family seem to like Paris (gay Paree), here is something you might appreciate. Paris is hoping to host the Olympic Games in 2012,and, to show what the municipality is able to achieve, they transformed for some days into an olympic stadium the whole Champs Elysées, right from the Arc de Triumphe down to Place de la Concorde. You can see a photo and download a video at "http://sport.france2.fr/JO/11147965 -php"

Anonymous said...

Hi Georg Thanks a lottttttt Yes,we really love Paris We saw a very short scene of it on Euronews in our satelit yesterday It was wonderfulllll ( We have satelite in Iran & we can see lots of channels such as BBC, CNN,... ) I'll check the site you sent to me for sureeeeeeee By the way, did you attend Champs-Elysee yourselves ?Thanks again


Anonymous said...

Bonjour Chackavak, Glad to hear you have access to all those programs by satellite. I fear I have a wrong or incomplete idea of how life in your country really is. I imagined those satellite dishes would be forbidden or unobtainable to you..... No, we saw les Champs Elysées on the telly just as you did. In fact, we are living in a 200-people-village, 550 km south of Paris. To go to Paris would be nearly as long for me in a car as it is for you by plane. Pip, pip Georg

Anonymous said...

A rather late comment, nonetheless: You are correct, this referendum is a good example of democracy. For Holland it was actually the first time we were able to directly vote on the European project. We now enter, for the first time, a period where this project is actually publicly debated, and thats very healthy. And there are off course very good reasons to have this constitution rejected. The anti-democratic and ugly reactions of the pro-constitution-camp preceding ánd after their defeat (their 'Waterloo' would be a better discription) made very clear that democracy is something fragile and something which needs to be permanently defended of those who think they 'know best', even in Europe.
Best wishes, Amrit. (Holland)