Sunday, October 29, 2006

Entry 72

The other night the electricity had gone off ... I was going to make some food remained from lunch warm; I put it in a plate and wanted to put it in the microwave oven that I suddenly remebered there was no electricity and I had to make the food warm on the stove, for a few minutes I really didn't know how to do it on the stove (something that I easily did in the past when we didn't have microwave ! ) ...
I put the food in a pot while thinking how it would become warm without being burned ... in the past it never burned, but I didn't remember what I did that it didn't burn !
Besides all the advantages of the modern technology, I think it's caused lots of damage to our creativity !
There is no doubt that modern technology has helped us a lotttt ...
In the past we used to wash the dishes ourselves: now the dishwasher does it for us & we can use that time for doing what we're interested in ...
We used to sit beside the telephone set & talk with others: now we do our work while talking on the cordless phone ...
But sometimes when we look back at the past, don't we think those times despite the lack of the modern technology were more enjoyable than now? ...
Don't we say to ourselves, " We didn't have anything, no cell phone, no satellite, no microwave, no Internet , but we enjoyed life more ... " ? ...