Sunday, August 08, 2004

Entry 12

According to an article in a newspaper, Saddam Hossein, like the other high level prisoners in the world , is being kept in a 3 in 4 meters cell ...
In this cell there is a fan ... he writes poems and reads the Koran ...
Every morning he has a full and standard breakfast ... everyday he has two courses of food containing fish , chicken and veal ...
He has oranges, apples, and American cookies & biscuits for dessert ...
He has also access to the bathroom , barber's , toothbrush , shampoo , soap , comb and body deodorants ...
He exercises in his cell , and he also gardens and plants flowers in the garden of the prison in his free time ...
According to this article , when you see his behaviour , you cannot believe that he is one of of the cruelest men in the world who is responsible for the heaviest crimes against human ...
While reading the text , the only picture that came to my mind was the picture of a lion who tears and devours the poor lambs or deer, eats them hungrily, and then sits calmly, pets his babies and does his own job, as if nothing has happened ..
Saddam, to my opinion , has nothing within himself now except an animal passion and instinct ...


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed your entry on Saddam. It is strange how so many people in the world now see Saddam as a victim now that he looks so pathetic and weak, in a prison cell. One European cultural critic Slavoj Zizek said that his arrest was like the Nazis coming and taking innocent Jewish children to concentration camps. I wonder if Saddam's pathetic new look isn't his latest act. He couldn't get the respect of the world before, but now he has a new act. Anyway, its an embarrasment to the US that he has no lawyer, the American trained judge asked him to explain crimes that the judge was supposed to be trying him *for*, and who is now being indicted by the Iraqi government for murder! Everyone, even someone who is obviously pretty guilty, deserves a fair and impartial trial.

Anonymous said...

salam...matlabe jalebi bood...vali man fekr mikonam kami zolm be yek heyvan va ya shir ast ke saddam ra ba oo moghayese koni...shir tabiyat khod ra darad vali saddam tabiyate yek ensane darande ba dashtane ghodrate fekr mitavanad anhame jenayat ra khaste anjam dahad va na manade roye gharize va eghtezaye tabiyat...movafagh bashid..

Anonymous said...

Your messege on Saddam is very interesting and you are right he's lucky that he isn't being treated by his own standards.

Anonymous said...

SADDAM is - as we say in Farsi: MA'ALOUL - (CAUSED).We have to see what has caused him to become like this. I think, it gives us a very good example of ONE, that if HE/SHE would have been trained CORRECT, he/she would have been able to take advantage of her/his aptitute.Probably SADDAM could have been a very good poet if he would not have been in a situation with a family like that to become a WILD PERSON as he is now.We better try to find the causes and go through them and find out WHY, a pure baby who is born with an
empty blank mind and clean soul suddenly becomes SADDAM, HITLER, NERON, SHAH, BUSH,

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments everyone...
Christopher , I agree with you that everyone , even a cruel man like Saddam must be tried fairly and impartially, but even if he is tried in this way , I think he deserves just death and nothing more ; although sometimes I think even death is not enough for him
Nasser , that's correct, human
being is moreeeeeeeeeee valuable than an animal and she/he is expected to become so greatttttt; I remember what Shariati has said that a human being can become greater than an angel ,and at the same time it can become worse than an animal as Saddam and the others like him