Saturday, December 25, 2004

Entry 34

It was the first time I saw this kind of " Cheating " in my class ... !!
They are girls ...
One of them is very weak & I believe she must study in three terms lower...
Last session they had dictation ; a very clever & smart student _ who is really naughty, of course _ was sitting beside this weak one ...
While I was dictating the text to them, the smart student asked me to read more slowly so that she could have enough time to write it down...
At the end , when I was gathering their papers , I noticed that the weak student put her paper within her book fast and turned around and got a paper from the smart student behind her...
She tried to do it fast but couldn't succeed ...
Anyway , the story is this : the smart student had written two dictations : one for herself & another _ of course with a different handwriting _ for the weak one ... and the weak student had tried to hide hers fast & give me the other one ...
They are about 13 years old ... !!!